
Pet Safety

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Pet Safety

We want to provide you with important information to help your pet in potentially dangerous situations.


Each season may bring about different dangers to your pet. In the colder months, make sure to provide plenty of drinking water. You may not think this to be true, but many animals get dehydrated in the winter just as much as the summertime. Hypothermia and frostbite are big risks in the winter if your pet is spending long amounts of time outdoors in the snow. Sunburn is also a risk, even in the winter months, if your dog has areas on the body with patches of fur missing. For spring, that’s when allergies start flaring up! Pollen and the weather becoming warmer can oftentimes lead to allergies.


Antifreeze is sweet smelling to dogs and cats but is very poisonous if ingested even in small amounts. Antifreeze can cause Kidney failure or death. Household cleaners are easy for pets to get into but are very dangerous! Keep your cleaners locked away safely. Tylenol is a big NO! Dogs have their own brands of medications that need to be purchased from a veterinarian. Tylenol for humans is very deadly to pets. Although chocolate is super tasty, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, or even internal bleeding, depending on how much is ingested and how large your pet is.

Human Food

Be careful during holidays when lots of food is around and in range for pets. Pets can accidentally ingest bones that can rupture the organs and cause internal bleeding. Pancreatitis is also caused by heavy amounts of human food. Pancreatitis can cause organ failure and oftentimes lead to death. If your pet has consumed large amounts of human food, you can come into the clinic to get a pancreatitis test!

4th of July

The 4th of July is a very stressful and dangerous holiday for your pets. Loud noises can cause your pet to hide a lot, become irritable and slightly aggressive, refuse to eat, and become extremely scared. We highly recommend coming into your local vet to discuss anxiety medications for that time.

Fireworks are extremely dangerous for pets. Please keep your pets away from the fireworks as they could become injured by fire or even ingesting the fragments. Call the emergency room if needed.

Thanksgiving & Christmas

Thanksgiving and Christmas are two major holidays that include tons of great food! However, this food is NOT great for your pets. Desserts, especially ones that include chocolate, can be very harmful and toxic to your pets. Human food can cause your pet to get pancreatitis, causing organ failure if not caught early. Bones from turkeys are extremely dangerous in that they can cause tearing of the intestines and stomach lining, as well as blockage. Your pets can still enjoy yummy treats during the holidays, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, apples (without the peel and core), and green beans!
